3 Smart Ways to Ask for Help at Work - and Get It!

while sound intelligent :)

Hey friend ✌️ ,

Asking for help at work is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows that you're committed to getting things right and that you value others' expertise. But how can you ask for help in a way that demonstrates intelligence and initiative?

Here are three strategies that work perfectly + a formula below to follow:

#1: Show that You’ve Done Your Research & Have Early Ideas

Before reaching out, take the time to do some research. When you ask your question, share what you’ve already learned. This shows that you’re proactive and not just looking for an easy answer. I use for that ChatGPT and Perplexity.


"I have a quick question about optimizing our new marketing campaign. I've reviewed the recent analytics and noticed that our click-through rate is below industry benchmarks. I suspect it might be due to targeting or ad placement, but I’d love to get your take on it."

#2: Present Potential Solutions

If you’re tackling a problem, share your initial thoughts or possible solutions before asking for input. This approach demonstrates that you’ve put thought into the issue and just need a bit of guidance.


"Could you help me with troubleshooting this project timeline? I’ve identified a couple of potential bottlenecks, like resource allocation and dependency management. I’ve tried adjusting the timelines, but it would be great to get your expert opinion."

#3: Acknowledge When You’re New but Have Done the Prep Work

If you’re unfamiliar with something, don’t hesitate to ask for help - but make sure to show that you’ve prepared in advance. This shows your willingness to learn and your respect for others' time.


"Whenever you have a moment, could you help me get started on our new project management tool? I’ve gone through the tutorial and have a basic understanding, but I’d appreciate seeing how you handle a real project with it."

Formula To Use 🧪 :

  1. Context: "I'm currently working on [Project/Situation] and have been focusing on [specific aspect]."

  2. Show Your Effort: "I've already [researched, drafted, analyzed, etc.] and have come up with [your findings, ideas, hypotheses, etc.]."

  3. Specify Your Ask: "Could you [review, provide insights on, help with, confirm, etc.]?"

  4. Acknowledge Expertise: "Your expertise in [specific area] would be incredibly valuable here."

Remember, asking for help is all about showing that you’re thoughtful, prepared, and ready to learn. You’ve got this! 😊 

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With Love,