4 Hacks to Nurture Relationships on LinkedIn

I do not networking anymore, here is what I do instead

Hey friend,

In 2024 networking in its original understanding is outdated. If your approach still involves cold requests for coffee chats, job referrals, or quick calls about dream roles, it’s time to rethink and use my strategy below.

In today’s world, genuine relationships on LinkedIn are the key to career growth. No matter your goal of landing a dream role, getting a client or being a podcast guest - these 4 hacks will transform your approach to networking.

Let’s start!

1. Personalize Your Connection Requests

Instead of sending a generic connection request, take a few minutes to personalize it. Mention something specific about their recent post, conference they visited or achievement they made.

Example Template:

Hi [Name], I loved your recent post on [Topic]. Your insights on [specific point] were so related to me. I’d love to connect and continue following your content. Keep it up!

(send this as a connection request note)

2. Engage with Their Content

Show genuine interest by engaging with their posts. Leave thoughtful comments that add value and start a conversation.


Set aside 15 minutes each day to comment on 5-7 posts from people you want to build a relationship with. Make sure your comments are relevant and interesting and not generated by ChatGPT. : )

3. Offer Help Without Asking for Anything in Return

Identify ways you can add value to their work or projects. This could be sharing a resource, offering a helpful introduction, or providing feedback.

Example Message:

Hi [Name], I noticed you’re working on [Initiative]. I recently came across [Resource/Tool] that might be helpful for you. Let me know if you’d like more information.


4. Stay Consistent and Follow Up

Building relationships takes time. Don’t expect immediate results. Stay consistent in your engagement and follow up periodically.


Create a simple tracking system to remind yourself to check in with your connections every few months. A short message like, “Hi [Name], how have you been? I enjoyed our last conversation on [Topic]. Looking forward to hearing what you’ve been up to!” can go a long way.

📌 Bonus: Share Relevant and Interesting Content with Them

When you come across something interesting, whether it’s a news article, a LinkedIn post, or even something funny, send it directly to your connection. They might find it useful or entertaining, and it shows that you’re thinking of them.

Example Message:

Hey [Name], I saw this post on [Topic]. I thought you might find it useful. Enjoy!


By focusing on these hacks, you’ll start to build genuine, lasting relationships on LinkedIn. Remember, it’s not about the quantity of your connections, but the quality. Start nurturing those relationships today, and watch your professional network thrive.

When you need help, you will be on top of the mind of the person you are building a long-lasting connection with.

P.S. If you found these tips helpful, share the newsletter with a connection who might benefit from it and nurture your relationship! https://nobody-but-you.beehiiv.com/subscribe 

With Love,
