5 Tips to Become a Superstar Project Manager

hacks that actually work

Hey friend, welcome to this issue!

Being a project manager is more than just checking off tasks on a to-do list—it's about driving your team toward success, staying ahead of the curve, and consistently delivering value to your clients.

Here are five actionable tips to help you elevate your project management game and become a superstar in your field:

1. Proactively Propose Next Steps

Don't wait to be told what to do next. Great project managers are proactive problem-solvers who anticipate the needs of the project and propose actionable steps.

Pro Tip: Take a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect on your project’s current status. What’s coming up next? What potential roadblocks can you anticipate?

2. Reflect: What Would My Client Want to See?

Before diving into the details, take a step back and ask yourself: “What would my client want to see?”. Keeping their goals and concerns top of mind ensures that your project stays on track and meets their needs.

Pro Tip: Start your day by reviewing your client’s objectives and expectations.

3. Implement Ideas for Improvement

Being a superstar project manager means you’re always looking for ways to improve processes, workflows, and outcomes. Whether it’s automating repetitive tasks, finding more efficient tools, or optimizing team collaboration, small changes can lead to big improvements in productivity and project success.

4. Ask for Feedback & Self-Reflect

Don’t shy away from asking your team, clients, and stakeholders for feedback on your performance and leadership. Use this feedback as fuel for self-reflection. The best project managers are lifelong learners who constantly strive to improve their skills.

Pro Tip: Schedule regular feedback sessions with your team and make time to reflect on that feedback. It’s not just about asking for it; it’s about integrating it into your work style.

5. Listen More Than You Talk

Project management is as much about listening as it is about leading. Listening helps you understand your team’s needs, your client’s concerns, and the nuances of the project.

Pro Tip: In your next meeting, focus on listening without interrupting. Take notes and summarize what you’ve heard to ensure you’re fully aligned with everyone’s input.

Becoming a superstar project manager isn't about doing everything perfectly; it's about being proactive, reflective, and constantly improving your craft.

Stay focused & stay curious!

When you are ready, how I can help you:

🚀 Strategic 1:1 Coaching Call - want a clear strategy with an action plan on your career transitioning/breaking into project management - this call is for you
📃 Resume Call - build a top-notch resume that will land you interviews
💜 LinkedIn Optimization for Job Search - get the recruiter’s attention, land referrals and DMs about job opportunities

P.S. Yesterday I had with Julia Ode a Linkedin Live event on Transforming & Translating your Skills to Become a Project Manager. If you missed it, here is a recording:

click on the image to get the recording :)

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With Love,
