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  • 6 Uncommon Rules for 100% Productivity: Insights from My Daily Routine

6 Uncommon Rules for 100% Productivity: Insights from My Daily Routine

Sharing the secrets of my productivity

Hi friend,

Welcome to the first issue of the NBY Newsletter. I hope you have time to enjoy the summer, as it’s as always super short. (Well, at least in Toronto 🙂 ). 

Today, I want to share with you six uncommon rules that have transformed my productivity. These rules have helped me stay focused, and calm, and consistently progress toward my goals. My favorite one is the 5th rule, but all of them together create a powerful framework for productivity. Let’s dive in!

1. No Scrolling TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts 

These platforms are designed to capture your attention and keep you scrolling for hours. While they can be entertaining, they also drain your energy and lead to constant comparisons with others.
I don’t have any timers or app blockers, I simply do not scroll anything.

2. Daily Meditation for 10 Minutes

I dedicate just 10 minutes every day to meditate using free videos on YouTube. It’s incredible how much more focused and productive I feel afterward. It will take time to clear your mind and fully be focused even for 10 minutes, but in a long-run perspective, if you stay consistent, it is a game changer for your life! 

3. No To-Do Lists 

Traditional to-do lists with numerous tasks can be overwhelming and make me feel anxious about the list.

Instead, I focus on accomplishing 1 mid-size task each day. 🔥 

This approach reduces stress and allows me to concentrate on completing that one task efficiently, rather than procrastinating and keep delaying tasks to do for weeks. 

4. Phone on a "Focus - Do Not Disturb" Mode

Distractions from phone notifications can disrupt our concentration countless times throughout the day. I keep my phone in "Focus - Do Not Disturb" mode, allowing only messages and calls from my family.

It feels like I have +3 extra hours per day.

5. End of Day (EOD) Analysis and Gratitude

This is my favorite rule! At the end of each day, I reflect on what I’ve accomplished and write down things I’m thankful for. Even small progress matters, and acknowledging it boosts my motivation for the next day. I use notes on my phone for that*.

*The best version of myself would use a journal, but I don’t want to delay this task, so I concentrate on the analysis and gratitude rather than on where I will do it. 

6. The 2-Minute and 5-Minute Rules

For tasks that take less than 2 minutes, I do them immediately. For larger tasks, I set a timer for 5 minutes and start working on them. Often, I find myself continuing beyond the initial 5 minutes, getting into a flow state. These rules help me tackle tasks without procrastination and make significant progress.

Incorporating these rules into my daily routine has helped me to:

  • start posting on LinkedIn,

  • gaining almost 8k followers in 6 months,

  • launch my newsletter

  • finish my guide on how to break into PM

I would not make it all without following these rules. 

Give them a try, and you might be surprised at how much more you can achieve!

Stay productive and positive!


By the way, the first issue was written in the park near my house. When you are staying productive but also enjoying the July weather :) 

I used rule #6 to write this newsletter - started with the first 5 mins

See you in the issue #2, 

With love, 
